Being a stay at home Mum at present, I am often subjected to television advertisements throughout the day (or in between Dr Phil) for numerous exercise machines, DVDs, pills and shakes.
We have the Ab King Pro (Sexy Twin wants one of these), the Bo-Flex machine (do you have a Bo flex body?), the Bean (some random abdominal sculpting bean bag). Windsor Pilate's DVDs (I own these - not bad) and an assortment of others. My favourite is the adverts for 'celebrity slim'. Has anyone seen a "celebrity" advertising this protein shake based diet? Doubt it, and no Kat from the Biggest Loser series 1 does not count!
Let's face it, there is a HUGE industry in weight loss. It's not even about overall health these days. Nope, it mostly seems directed at loosing inches off your waist and sculpting your butt, abs and thighs, the "3 minutes a day" way.
Whilst I appreciate the sentiments, it does concern me that as a whole, society does not seem to put sufficient emphasis on making healthy lifestyle choices. Even programs such as Lite N Easy and Jenny Craig do not actually teach consumers much about every food day choices. Sure, portion control (aka: starvation) may be learned but aside from this all I really learnt was how to expertly microwave a frozen dinner and then stare at my empty plate like Oliver Twist wishing there was more!
For the most part I generally think that the majority of people KNOW what foods will fuel the body. In Australia I am fairly confident that we all grew up with some knowledge of the healthy pyramid chart, and as a rule I think it's a a great chart to follow. Sure, I wish the fats and oils were the breads and grains, but hey beggars can't be choosers right!
Over the years I have had many a gym membership and looked for multiple get fit quick (try saying that 6 times fast) options. I wanted to be slimmer so desperately I almost always banished thoughts of actually being thin the minute they arose, knowing I'd failed before, and would inevitably again. It was just to darn depressing thinking about something which had always just been such a pipe dream. No, it was easier to dream of things I could have; bacon for breakfast, mars bar for morning tea, the chip and lolly aisle at Woolworth's for lunch.
Each night before bed I would wish that I could wake up the next morning magically thinner. Each new diet or exercise program I embarked on I wanted results immediately and each time the long term effort required dissuaded any genuine effort on my behalf. However, I was willing to spend whatever it cost to loose weight. And often, I did. Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, Lite N Easy, Windsor Pilate's, gym memberships, Jane Fonda videos (how embarrassment), bucket loads of glad wrap (don't ask), shakes, protein powders and I'll even admit to diet pills. Heck, if I could have paid someone to diet and exercise for me I would have (wouldn't we all).
Whilst I appreciate the benefit of gym's (Muscle Man's an avid fan) I also appreciate that anyone can loose weight without the token gym membership. Muscle Man is spurred on by his reflection in the vast expanse of mirrors in the weight lifting section and probably just stops short of kissing his "gun's" whilst lifting his weights. I, on the other hand HATED seeing my body attempting to get fit in the mirrors and would always vie for a spot at the back of any class. Body Balance was especially scary. Seeing myself try and fold up like a pretzel was never bound to be a pretty sight for anyone let alone me when my foot got caught in a roll of back fat! Body Pump was equally as scary when I had trouble lifting the bar, let alone applying weights. Nope, even now gyms are not for me.
I recall at one of the many Weight Watchers meetings I attended, the leader suggesting we lift weights at home using household items. She suggested using tin cans of soup, spaghetti or baked beans. Did she mean to lift them before or after I'd consumed the contents? In any event is a 500g tin of food, I'd rather be eating, really going to help me loose weight? Each arm curl would inevitably just come into visual contact and cause my stomach to rumble in hunger. After 10 reps with my tin can I'd have changed the reps from tin can to chin, to fork to mouth.
Each and every one of us (OK, with the exception of a few), are already equipped with the tools we need to be active. If you have two feet and a heart beat you are good to go! I do understand the time restraints we are pressed with these days. I too have to make time to exercise. When Jim and Bob are down for a nap, I jog on my treadmill. When Muscle Man gets home from work, I am out the door on my run. When Jim and Bob are watching the Wiggles for the umpteenth (my Mum's favourite word) time a day I lift weights in my lounge room, when I return to work I will jog in my lunch break. Making time for exercise is like any other daily event. You have to CHOOSE to make the time and schedule it in.
Whatever your preference be it gyms, local footpaths, the Ab King Pro, a tin can I rather like the Nike Slogan - JUST DO IT.
2021 Review Thingo
2 years ago
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