Monday, July 7, 2008

Words of Affirmation!

OK, so despite the cheery, easy-going, attitude and tone I express 95% of the time, I am human and fallible and therefore, I have moments of weakness and despair! Usually I can ride them out pretty well and just put it down to "that time of the month". Of course NO ONE else is allowed to imply that's the reason for my being blue, but between you and I, more often then not it is the underlying reason I feel so "fat" some days.

The last few weeks however I have been particularly critical of myself and I think it's been evident in my blogs of late. I keep scalding myself for bringing the tone of my blog down, but then at the same time I also want to be someone who others can relate too. I know that most people in this journey are going to have hours, days, weeks, months and even years of berating themselves and despairing over their weight and body image.

I am in the 'weeks' phase at the moment. I am sure it has to do with the dreaded P word and so I am trying to take it in my stride and be as kind to myself as possible, but then at the same time I am having moments of self loathing where seeing my reflection is enough to have me consider crying (yes, I only consider - I'm too tough to cry).

As hard as I try I can just be so hard on myself and even my last 2 years of learning to have positive self-talk is only going so far at the moment. So, rather than sitting in my lounge room berating myself over the muffin top spilling over my tracksuit pants, I have decided to take affirmative action and remind myself of the enormous life style changes I have made. I truly believe some healthy self-assessment and affirmation is a MUST on this vicious cycle of weight loss.

So, here goes:

  1. I have lost in excess of 20 kilos! All through my own hard work, perseverance, determination, assertiveness and self belief.

  2. I have gone from a couch potato to a runner! Previously running to flag a bus caused heart palpitations, now days I could outrun the bus (OK, slight exaggeration, but hey!)

  3. I am a size 12!!! Before losing weight the only thing I owned remotely close to a size 12 was my size 9.5 shoes!

  4. I am setting a great example to my children. I will be an active, involved Mother for years and years to come.

  5. Muscle Man and I have a much better sex life (sorry, 'TMI' I know, but it's TRUE).

  6. I have more confidence (yes, it has a way to go yet, but it can only go up from here).

  7. I have more energy. Before energy was found in a small silver can called Red Bull, now it's found in the feeling after slogging out a 7km run!

  8. I looked like this.. (exhibit A) and transformed myself to look like this (exhibit B). Speaks for itself. Yes, I was slightly intoxicated in exhibit A, BUT that does not account for the bowling ball face.

Now I also want to remind myself of a few reasons why it's OK to have a little podge around my middle, why it's OK to enjoy the occasional indulgence and moderation, why it's OK to have a day off exercise and enjoy the indulgence that day may bring.

  1. Bob is only just 9 months. I know my body likes to hold onto extra weight whilst breastfeeding and for the sake of nourishing my baby, that's OK.
  2. I can, and have achieved my fitness and weight loss goals in the past, and will continue too do so.
  3. I am making a very real effort every day to keep myself fit and healthy. I have learnt and adapted life long behaviours that will continue to improve my health, fitness and self respect.

So, if you are a little like me and are in a bit of an emotional rut, maybe it's time for some positive affirmation, positive self-talk and a piece or two of chocolate - GUILT FREE!

**You'll have to take my word for it that I HATE that first picture. It's horrible, absolutely horrible! But honestly, what good is a FAT TO FAB blog if there are not some fat and fab pics :o)


Susan said...

very inspirational Mel :)

Mothership said...

You have come a long, long way Mel. Congratulations. Just for the record though, even with a "bowling ball face", you were a very beautiful woman.

Alfie said...

Oh, thank you both :) :o) Means a lot!