Kids. God love them. Blunt as a tack and honest to boot.
"You stink Mummy" said my darling 3yr old Jim as I picked him up from 'Little School' today. "Thanks buddy" was my response as I sheepishly looked around to see how many unsuspecting parents, carers and children would now be trying to avoid getting a whiff of me. I reached down to give my little guy a hug and ask how his day had been. He recoiled. I'm going to blame the fact I was still huffing and puffing rather than the odour I was allegedly omitting.
In my defense, I had not 15 minutes earlier returned from a long run along the ridge near home before dashing inside only to get my car keys and head out to collect the kidlets and Muscle Man. No time for a shower, change of clothes, deodorant or even a thick winter jumper to try and contain some of the stench I was exuding!
Yes, I did stink. I knew it. Jim knew it. His School knew it. I was still wiping droplets of sweat off my forehead when I collected Muscle Man and this was despite driving with the car window down in 3 degree winter weather with a wind chill of minus 2 coming in through the drivers side window.
Well as if it wasn't bad enough to hear the harsh rejection of my stinky pits from my darling son, the child who loves and adores me despite my many flaws, I then had to hear a tirade of "Wifey, you stink" from Muscle Man too!
Pfft, so let's see, love can be blind but not smelling impaired?
2021 Review Thingo
2 years ago
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