Hooray, detox is over!
Actually if I am honest with my loyal readers I must admit I ended it 3 days early.
I can justify it though.......
My baby sister and my awesome brother in law moved into their new home on Sunday. I volunteered to assist with the move and also weed their garden and mow their lawn (WHY GOD WHY????????????!!!!).
Truth be told, I actually really enjoy gardening. Being out in the garden and seeing the small improvements simply ripping weeds (at least I assume they are weeds) makes, fills me with glee (small things/small minds and all that). Not to mention it's free and usually my hobbies involve spending a fair portion of money needlessly!
Any-who, after spending the afternoon lifting boxes and weeding, I decided to venture inside for a glass of tasteless and very unappealing mineral water. Typically as I entered the kitchen weeds recklessly strewn all over my clothes, dirt replacing what was previously eye-shadow, who should I run into but my brother-in-law sipping away on a cold, inviting, desirable beer! Instantaneously my lips started to tingle, my hands started to shake and naturally I started salivating. (Gosh, I sound like an alcoholic don't I - DON'T ANSWER THAT).
Now it needs to be said that beer is generally not my first drink of choice. A cold glass of white wine is. BUT (clearly it is a big but), on a summer's day when the rays from the sun are penetrating through your clothes, you're dreaming of the beach and the accompanying life-guards (ahem) and sweat is beading the very make-up off your face - beer is the answer!
Well to cut a long story short, as I stood there envious of my brother, watching the bottle reach his lips and imagining they were mine, I decided to abstain from the beer but drive straight to the shops to purchase a celebratory bottle of Moet!
As my besty remarked, you simply CAN'T say no to Moet! So there you have it, a week long detox unfurled for a glass of expensive french champagne. Perfect.
I should add that in this week I was extremely loyal to my Blackmores box and abstained from the numerous 'no no's' listed in the detox handbook despite many being in my top-5-must-have-food-group (i.e coffee). I also lost 1.5kgs (started at 71kgs and ended at 69.5kgs) which is a grand feat in anyone's books; and continued running every day despite the claim I'd barely be able to lift my head from my pillow.
It has to be said though that aside from the very obvious lack of wine with my main meal (no, not lunch) I actually felt NO different at all. I had expected unthinkable headaches, numerous toilet stops and lethargy, but nope, nudda, nill.
So, what can I conclude from this I ask you - wine is good for the body, mind and soul - clearly ;o)
2021 Review Thingo
2 years ago
Have to agree with your Bestie - it's a crime to say no to Moet.
I'm actually responding to your post on Essential Baby about the Midwife, Marie Heath. I was going to post a comment, but I can't seem to register with the site.
Anyway, you and Mel noted that there were a lot of new members posting their experiences with Marie and I can explain that. Someone, presumably a previous client noticed this post and advised Marie. Marie then sent the following email to her clients and here it is verbatim:
Hope all going well for you
Hopeful you might be able to help me out with a reference via the link below. Someone is asking about my care.
Thank you in advance.
Marie Heath"
I too used her for the birth of my little boy who is now 6 mths old and would join in with the praise.
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