Week 1 -Day 1 (Thursday 22nd January 2009):
Work was busy today, which meant my mind was busy also.
It is a daily occurrence for me to doubt myself or criticise my appearance and sadly to be
completely honest, today has been no exception. In my own defence, I made a deliberate decision to stop the negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirming thoughts. For example, around 3pm when the inevitable sugar craving overcame me and my thoughts turned
to the consequential cellulite on my thighs and my ever-present love handles, I decided not to
succumb to the feelings of failure that can overwhelm me in the presence of chocolate. Instead I reminded myself that a quick stretch and walk around the office would help get the blood flowing and distract my mind from the blasted fundraising chocolate every office has, and shouldn’t!
Success!! Instead of giving in to the Mars Bar with my name on it, I took the lift down the 7 floors to the ground level and then turned around and walked UP the 112 (I counted as I walked) stairs back to my desk. I felt positive about this step, no matter how small and insignificant it
may have seemed at the time.
Outcome of Day 1 – although at times the negativity made itself known, simply having prepared myself for it’s assault and pre-planning my subsequent attack, I really did feel better and a little more in control of these thoughts and my reaction to them.
So far so good!
Week 1 - Days 2-4 (Friday 23rd January – Sunday 25th January 2009):
I’m trying to remain committed to this task and am therefore loathe to record the excuses as to my lack of diarising the last few days. None the less, being a working mother of 2 young boys, a
social butterfly (Australia Day and nieces 2nd birthday fit into this) and a hopeless diary writer at the best of times, I must confess I am wondering if I will find this task harder than I gave myself initial credit for. Then again, I deemed myself a failure from the outset so even keeping record 3 times a week would be a success for me!
I have eaten well the last few days and been jogging each day. Running is my outlet. I hate
it and love it with equal passion. I hate it because it’s hard work; I love it because, who doesn’t find the end of hard work satisfying?
I’ve been an avid runner for 2 years now, only taking a short sabbatical for the last trimester of Bob's pregnancy. I must admit though that I have also recognised that in order to help clear my mind of negative thoughts I also need to find some balance in the pressure I place on myself to run every day of the week. Challenge # 2 – try some new exercises and allow myself resting times during the week. Jogging is not the be all end all, and does not need to be!
Week 1- Day 7 (Tuesday 27th January 2009) – 1 week down. 5 to go.
Today I went for a bike ride after work. Muscle Man and I loaded the boys into their bike
trailer and rode around the local lake. It felt great to have the fun and family time and all whilst setting an example of health and fitness to my sons. All in all week 1 of this challenge has given me a level of accountability to at very least, try and do what I say/challenge myself to do.
I have still to some degree been allowing negative self-talk to occasionally frame my thoughts, but I must admit that knowing I will come home to write about it is like a gentle reminder to change the thought and transform it into something wholesome.
Maybe this won’t be as hard as I thought?!
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