Thursday, May 29, 2008

Kaftans and Camel Toes!

Shopping - one of my least favourite past times. Put Simply, there was nothing fun about shopping for kaftan's, moomoo's and Bridget Jones style underwear. Naturally however, being a female, I possessed some inner oestrogen trigger working against me and conspiring to get me into the mall and swiping my credit card, despite the self-conscious resistance!

Being a bigger size and yet a younger girl, always made shopping challenging. In my minds eye I had visions of wearing hipster jeans, groovy belts, cleavage enticing shirts, perhaps even a beret (as if!). Sadly however, the best I could do was accessorise with shoes and handbags! Shoes were a given anti-depressant. When the groovy belt's didn't fit, I'd buy shoes instead. When the hipster Jeans made me look like a hippopotamus wearing a swim ring, I'd buy shoes. When the beret made me look like an overweight Britney Spears - I'd buy shoes!

Ironically I actually spent a few years working in a hip clothing store, Jeans West. We were required to wear the merchandise at each shift, not an easy feat when I had love handles spewing out the side of the "easy-fit, high waist" style jeans and was continually pulling my t-shirt out of it's desired resting place - my roll of back fat!

I was working with an eccentric gay man at the time who was a barrel of laughs and fun to boot - but had one major flaw - his fashion sense! Actually, it wasn't a flaw but more like one of his more endearing qualities. He was the exact kind of shopping companion one would want to have. Unless you were fat.

I would arrive at work 15 minutes before the start of my shift only to be reprimanded for wearing last season's fashions whilst sporting a muffin top, a camel toe and cankles all in the same outfit. After a dramatic display of shock and despair which would include fake tears, "why God Whys" and a paper bag for hyperventilation, "J" would set about trying to re-dress a dishevelled and self-conscious me, all the while cursing at my lack of fashion sense and my 'generous' curves. Sadly on more than one occasion I ended up wearing the men's clothes as J tried to pass me off as the store's "tom boy"! Basically I spent my hours looking like a butch version of him!

Needless to say I loathed shopping. Inevitably I would always end up wearing men's clothes or choosing an outfit so wrong for me I'd make an elephants hide look more attractive. I also happened to suffer from fashion/identity confusion. You know the syndrome where one day I'd be decked out entirely in sports gear, baggy pants, jumpers and joggers (clearly trying to give the illusion I was fit) and the next I'd be wearing a business suit from Jacqui E, heels and a french roll to match. I considered a shopping trip successful if I was able to find something which was in between the two styles and suited my age group - this happened very rarely. Some times I wore outfits which were so hideous and akin to Ma Kettle that I am surprised I couldn't attract a seniors discount! All the while my shoe collection was mounting.

When I started to lose weight I was delighted to learn I could shop in the standard section of Target rather than the maternity section. However, despite my shrinking body, my own visual image had not yet caught up and I would still instinctively reach for the large size clothes or anything with an elastic waist. I'd enter the fitting room, try my outfit on and realise with joy that it was simply to big. Reluctantly I would choose the smaller size and when game even choose a more garish item of clothing to try on. Rather than the turtle neck sweater I would sheepishly reach for a shirt with a plunging neck line. Rather than baggy pants, I would dare to consider something fitted, or even in moments of reckless abandon a dress or skirt!

I must admit I am still not accustomed to choosing smaller clothes. I still hesitate when I see size 12 and think, no I better grab the 14, or maybe even the 16! Despite my confidence I still have flashbacks of my tom boy days in Jeans West and freeze. The only thing I seem to know with surety despite having lost weight, is my bra size and it's so depressing it warrants a new pair of shoes anyway ;o)


Anonymous said...

Too spend least time for shopping... generally go online for it. Recently have bought some outerwears from Rochester Big and Tall.

Anonymous said...

Hi Nasir,

I do lots of online shopping these days but will admit to being scared by a title called BIG and tall :)

Post a link to small and tall and sure, you got me!


Anonymous said...

Alfie, I've got the perfect solution for you. It is new shapewear product I recently saw on a TV news program and immediately purchased one... the Unbelievabra by Shapeez ( It smooths, shapes and supports like no other shapewear... and believe me, I've tried them all including Spankx and Sassybax. The Unbelievabra is so comfortable you'll want to wear it all the time. (I do!) It comes in 2 styles the Ultimate (long) and the Mini (cropped). I purchased just the Ultimate in nude to eliminate my muffin top. This is truly a wonderful product. I feel sexy and look 10 lbs thinner. Wow!!! Finally, someone got it right! Yea for us!!! Giggie

Anonymous said...

Just want to say how much I love reading your blog. Even after losing 17kg's I must confess I still reach for the bigger sizings. Am so use to being the fat girl that am surprised when I can pick up a size 10 now instead of a 14. Still a little way off my goal, but unfortunately I have to work on the inside and accepting myself for who I am. I was convinced that if I lost the weight I would then love myself, but have now found out this is not the case. After years of being tormented by my family for my size this has now left emotional scars. However have learnt a valuable lesson and will make sure my children will grow up knowing how beautiful they are, no matter how they look.

Jenn said...

Hey I found your blog from EB (liked your posts decided to have a bit of a sticky beak *blush*) and I've just read every post!

As someone who also put on weight while breastfeeding (weight melts off?? pigs arse!), who has self sabotaged and rationalised etc for several years now, I've really empathised with your journey. Thanks for giving us the link!

Was a perfect read after coming home from the gym stiff, sore but happy :)

Alfie said...

Thanks so much :o)

So exciting that people are enjoying reading my rambling thoughts :)