The business of life naturally makes it difficult to find time (or make time) for exercise. Realistically it's also the same reason we are so prone to grab takeaway for dinner or make a fleeting visit to a drive-through. I've been guilty of this many times. The easy option, or so it seems.
There was a point in time where I wished KFC had frequent driver points. I'd have earned a free meal every week. And of course, being as lazy as I was, unwrapping that burger and lifting it to my mouth counted as my daily exercise.
Before I had Jim and Bob, I was living the high DINK (double income, no kids) life. Friday night drinks with friends (OK, this still happens), weekend trips away with Muscle Man, dinners out, and take-away meals weekly. Basically all the signs of an expendable income and in my case, an expanding waist line also!
It was so easy to make excuses to avoid working up a sweat. "My make-up might run", "I could strain something", "I don't own gym clothes", "I have no co-ordination" and the most common excuse "I don't have time". Well I guess here's the news flash - You don't have time to NOT exercise. Cliche yes, but we really do only have one body and one life. I am positive that the majority of us want it to the best we can make it.
The Australian Heart Foundation has the following recommendation:
The Heart Foundation and other leading authorities recommend at least 30 minutes
of moderate-intensity physical activity on all or most days of the week. This can be accumulated in bouts of ten minutes or more if this is more convenient.
Now, even though it's not specified here, I would take that as INTENTIONAL exercise. Sadly this means thinking about it does not count. It also means walking to the mailbox (which in my case is 15 metres from my front door), walking to the fridge, changing the Chanel's on the TV, and tying your shoelaces does not count (if only).
No, you have to get up, get out, and get moving (Sheesh, all I need is pom poms and a mini skirt and I could be a cheerleader, Give me a G.....).
Beginning with those "Baby steps" is a great place to start. Park the car further from your destination and walk. Take the stairs rather than the lift, walk the kids to and from School. The physical benefits of working up a sweat (or the makings of one) truly are amazing.
Today I was feeling quite lethargic from Bob's incessant waking through the night (how dare he! OK, fair call he is only a baby), Jim's constant "Why Mum, Why Mum, But whys?" (BECAUSE SON). Oh OK, and from last night's Desperate Housewives tradition. So, when Jim and Bob were down for a sleep I decidedly thought I would have one too. Suddenly my own advice flashed before my eyes and I realised my exhaustion was really just another excuse to avoid increasing the heart rate.
45 minutes after this lovely self-reprimand I was off the treadmill, sweating profusely (hey, I jogged for 30 minutes) and feeling fabulous. Energy levels pepped (heck, I could even clean the house on these endorphins...**), satisfied and strong! GO ME!!
When you think about it rationally, we all use 30 minute segments in our day for things which in many cases could be compensated with something else, i.e. exercise. I know I do. Watching TV, surfing the net, writing this blog, chatting to sexy twin, deciding what clothes to wear, applying my makeup, straightening my hair, trying on the Slim N Lift Supreme. Yep, even despite having two young children I can unequivocally MAKE 30 minutes in my day to contribute to a healthier life. So, can you?
** I did not clean the house. Can someone point me in the direction of a blog, or similar, providing motivation for this?!
Hey babe - try for a website to get you motivated with the house. It's all about baby steps!
Awesome. Thanks DFG. I was hoping you'd come to my rescue ;o) Off to look now.
im only at the start of my journey alfie and i have set myself no least than 20 mins a day. today i did 30 on the treadmil, watching brothers and sisters! lol baby steps but i have started. i Can do this...i will make this happen.
Anon - WELL DONE!!
30 mins is a fabulous start and you should feel so proud of yourself.
When I first started on my treadmill I would watch TV and cover the timer with a towel so I wasn't subject to seeing how SLOW it felt at first - lol!
If you find it gets a little boring, mix it up a bit with some intervals. So for example, increase the speed or incline by say .2 every minute for say 3 minutes and then return to the starting speed. Repeat at least 4 times. This really is a great way of increasing fitness and passing the time :)
Well done again, very impressed :) Looking forward to following your success :)
Alfie :)
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