Sunday, April 25, 2010

A change is as good as...

Hello faithful followers (whoever is left after my very long departure that is),

Thank you for the messages regarding my whereabouts, and asking me to return to the land of blogging.  I have been meaning to for quite some time, and finally after remembering my password and setting my account back up, I am here!  My "Thank you" and "Apologies" are all rolled into one, I assure you.

So much has happened over the last 9 months (sheesh, I've been slack!).  The most significant change is that I have abandoned paid employment for full-time university study!  I am studying a Bachelor of Writing, and well, the hopes, dreams and all that jazz, are to one day be a 'paid' writer (!).

So far I am loving student life although I can honestly say my waist line is not!  I've found myself so busy, and at times stressed, that I have either neglected to eat at all, or have consumed everything edible within the confines of my house!  As a result, in the last 12 weeks I have gained roughly 5 kilos :'(  Ahhh, what can you do though, it's not the end of the World right, just the end of my 'skinny jean' dreams...for now. 

The reality is, I know how to lose weight, eat well, move more etc etc but must confess, I'm a little tired of it.  I have been losing weight, maintaining weight-loss, or dreaming of body issues for 3 years now and I think the first semester of uni has felt like a much needed sabbatical!  Now to figure out how to have a sabbatical without the weight gain?! Probably not drinking like a uni student would help...

So what else has been neglected in my departure from blogging: Well, Sexy Twin is still sexy, Muscle Man is still muscular, Jim and Bob are fabulous and are now 5 and 2.5 which is hard to believe.  I absolutely still run (just not as often this past 3 months), and well heck, let's face it - I am still trying to be a "Fit and Fab Mama!", oh and I am now a brunette. 1

Stay tuned (if you can be bothered) to see how long it takes me to lose my extra love handle(s), and or, blog again!  Hopefully the blogs come faster than the weight gain did!

Alfie x
1: Bet that snippet of info made your day, huh!


Lou™ said...

She's back! Hooray!

Katrina said...

I started to read your blog just before you stopped blogging and have been checking back faithfully hoping you would start up again so I am thrilled to see a new meassage.

Tracy said...

Randomly just checked in again and I'm so glad your back blogging!!! :0)

Alfie said...

Awwww, thank you all :o) Watch this space - I have an exciting new 'project' in the works so won't be going anywhere in a hurry :)

Alfie xo