Monday, May 3, 2010

It's Just One Big Merry-go-round!

Weight loss that is. Don't ya think?

I've been on this ride for over 3 years now and some days it feels like I can't for the life of me get off! In part this might have to do with the ideas I had established when I first started losing weight, and changing my lifestyle. I inadvertently thought once the 'goal weight' was reached, and both clothes and scales reflected the size I wished to be, I'd be able to step off the merry-go-round and resume normal programming. I was wrong.

For anyone who has struggled with his or her weight, and like me continues to, I'm beginning to wonder if the sad reality is that we are on this ride for life. Perhaps it is like an addiction to drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol - even when you are no longer riddled with the addiction, you still have to fight the urges to resist the thing/s you know provided comfort, or enjoyment, whilst you were addicted to them. For me this could be food – and well if I am being honest – laziness.

By my own admission I don't want to spend the rest of my life restricting my food intake, watching my calories, and keeping food diaries. I don't want to spend the rest of my life exercising to chase my tail, to burn off last night's takeaway indulgence, or to counteract the empty calories I plan to drink courtesy of my “TGIF”* wine(s).

All that said; I am frustratingly aware that my body, for whatever reason, is encumbered with a slow metabolism. I maintain that the sheer sight of certain fat-addled-foods manage to osmosis themselves onto my waist, butt and thighs without so much as sampling the food. It’s simply not fair!

I’ve considered having blood tests to see if I have a hormonal imbalance which might be rectified with the assistance of a naturopathic tincture or the like, but then I can’t deny the motivation for this path would also be to find a ‘quick fix’. I’ve done the hard yards, I’ve sweated more than my current body weight, I’ve ran more than I walked in the preceding years to my weight loss quest, and I’ve worn through more gym shoes than I ever dreamed possible. I’m done. I’m sick of this! I want to throw in the towel and retire to a groove in my couch; all my favourite foods lined up in front of me, and eat until my hearts content - or my button pops, whichever comes first.

Moments into my fantasy and reality smacks me in the face – I‘m not fitting into my jeans thanks to my aforementioned attempt at abandoning a healthy lifestyle in favour of a reaching broom (or rag on a stick)* and I’m reminded that I DON’T have to be on ‘diet’. I’m no longer in the ‘overweight’ range and my mindset needs to shift from constantly thinking I am exercising and eating to lose weight, to I exercise and eat well to live the best life I can.

If 3 years ago I’d known the real battle was not going to be shedding the kilos, but rather shedding the ingrained mindset that comes from having been overweight, and addicted to food, and laziness, I might have thrown in the towel right then! I think with my renewed vigor for blogging, I should focus on sharing the journey to achieve a healthy mind, to match the healthy body! Till next time,

Alfie ox

* TGIF - "Thank God it's Friday!"
* See pic below - warning, contains graphic content :p

1 comment:

Lou™ said...

I hear you loud and clear.
I am in a similar place, sadly.
I don't want to count and watch and worry but I *know* I have to do it, or I too will return to the land of the fat.
I am down about 2.8kgs since swtiching it back on, and i know i need to have a constant goal to remain switched on.
I am so glad you are blogging again.