Sunday, August 31, 2008

Blast from the past!

Tonight as I lazed around the house in a t-shirt and trackies I heard Muscle Man's teasing voice; "I remember when that t-shirt was tight on you". "Pardon" I say, "please elaborate" (wish I hadn't said that).

Anyway, he is quite right I do still have a number of clothes (mainly in the daggy variety) that I have kept and wear on the odd occasion (such as having done no washing all week). I must admit after the initial "Are you saying I was fat" (of course I was fat but he was not supposed to notice!!) I decided to take the obligatory before and after photo to compare!

Judge for yourself :)

Disclaimer: Top photo - clearly I had NO fashion sense, hence the reflective aluminium sunglasses.
Second photos: DAGGING it up around the house includes no makeup which means no face!


Danni said...

Mel you are looking fantastic! You are my inspiration!

Lee-Anne said...

Hi there. I've just come across your blog via another one and I've added you to my favourites. You have a wonderful way of writing that is encouraging and inspiring.

You look fantastic too.

Can I ask you a question?

How long did it take you to lose the weight.

Alfie said...

Thanks Dan :o) You are pretty darn inspirational yourself you know :o)

Lee-Anne - Hello there. Thanks so much for reading and posting. Ummm, I guess in total it was probably about 6 months before I was starting to think I could be close to goal weight. Maybe a little longer. I fell pregnant with Bob (not his real name - lol) shortly after this so including losing his baby weight etc etc I guess I have been on this 'journey' for about 2 years now :)

The good news though is that I started noticing changes quite quickly when I first started. I was losing between 500g -1kg a week so that was a great inspiration :)

Off to peruse your blog now :o)
