Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mothers Day Classic!!

What a feeling, bein's believin' I can have it all, now I'm dancin' for my life. Take your passion, and make it happen, pictures come alive, you can dance right through your life.....
Imagine visions of flash dance racing through my head (either that or a beer commercial). Finally, I've accomplished that goal! Now to aim for bigger and better things! Actually, this morning was so great I think I'll stick to the little 'fun-run's for a while and work my way up to a 1/2 marathon (ehem). Next goal: Sydney city to surf!?
I must admit when I woke up this morning I fleetingly thought of staying in the warmth and comfort of my bed. Muscle Man and I had a rough nights sleep with little Bob being a touch unwell and waking more frequently then usual. Add to the equation I had a coffee at 9.30pm last night and even though it was a decaf it still had me bouncing off the walls until after midnight.
I have a little saying (actually I flogged it from a weight watchers meeting many moons ago):
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail!

I know it's a complete cliche, but for me personally this is very true. So last night as I was buzzing around on a 'fake' coffee high, I laid out my clothes, packed a watter bottle, grabbed supplies for the youngen's (oh and the Muscular one also) and recharged my iPod. Yes, I was set. Failure was not an option, until the alarm went off this morning. I am the absolute worst morning person. I am cranky, disoriented, lazy, scary looking, and generally quite irritable to say the least. Muscle Man often kisses me goodbye for work at his own risk, and knows it!

So at 6.45am this morning when the alarm starts blaring my first instinct is to pick it up and smash it against the wall as hard as I can, hoping it shatters on impact. I'd then proceed to pull the covers over my head and fall back to sleep. Then I realise I am dreaming. So, after hitting snooze for 20 minutes I decided I just HAD to get up. I groggily walked out to the kitchen, turned the coffee machine on (a REAL one this morning - although clearly they have similar affects on me) and whisked a piece of bread in the toaster. I felt excited and nervous and more than anything else pumped! Today was the day!

After a frazzled dash around the house to feed the kids, yell at Muscle Man to get moving (see, bad in the mornings), get dressed, grab the camera, debate chickening out...we were finally out the door! There was no turning back now. Not to mention what would I have written in my blog update today. It rained? See, accountability, it's a darn good thing in times of trial!

We arrived at the race venue and finally at 9.30am (we had been there since 8.30am) the pack started moving, carried by the momentum and inertia of the moment I set off feeling confident. I felt great and noted that despite my earlier, irrational fears I was as capable runner as anyone alongside me. I overtook numerous people, including a very fit girl from my High school (woohoo). The entire course I felt strong and steady. My pace was good, my stride was long. Heart rate was consistent and my legs felt like pistons beneath me. I was a machine (hahahahaha).

26 minutes later I crossed the finish line. Muscle Man was confident I was in the top 150 runners and out of a minimum 1,000 for my race I am absolutely stoked with this! Shall see when the results come out how I measure up though :)

All in all a fabulous Mothers day for me and another personal reminder of why I am a Fit and Fab Mamma ;o)

Happy Mothers Day to all you FAB Mums out there :)
At the start of the race - getting pumped
Can you spot me? Start of the race, this is only 1/3rd of the group
100 metres from the finish line (I'm beside the lady in pink - at the back)
The finish line
The end! On cloud nine!


DragonflyGal said...

Yay babe, congratulations! You look awesome crossing the finish line too :o)

kirsty said...

Great Work! You can see in your 'after' picture how proud you are, and so you should be. :)

Anonymous said...

Um, I think the guy in the green top is checking out your butt. Well no wonder, you look absolutely amazing A, and you write so well! :)

Anonymous said...

hahhahah, Muscle Man said the same thing. I am sure he was looking at something else off in the distance ;)

Cheers though :)
